Rules & Regulations

  • This federation is a "Major League Federation". We have a farm federation in the SSW( If someone is not making the cut in NEW...they can and more than likely WILL be sent down.
  • New faces will not often make their way to this federation. What you see here is what you're going to get for some time. For someone to qualify for the NEW they will have to have a proven high level RPing background, or will have to have graduated from the SSW.
  • There will be only TWO Titles to start. BOTH will be SINGLES titles. There will be an NEW World Heavyweight Championship...the top title an individual can hold, and an NEW North American Heavyweight Championship.
  • There will be two ways to roleplay in NEW. There will be a flashboard...where RPs will be scored on a 0-5 level, OR you can roleplay by e-mail...where RPs will be scored on a 0-10 scale e-mail RPs will be sent to
  • There will be NO screwjob victories. If I feel that a loss by your character may further an angle. I MAY ask you to job. If you decline, there will be no penalty, and you will not job. However if you complain, there may be exceptions to rule #5. You may question decisions...but do not complain, complainers are subject to a number of fates including jobbing, firing, and demotion.
  • If you have an angle idea. You can reach me at, OR on AIM under ButchyRay. Angles will be listen to, but MAY NOT BE USED. In some cases an angle may conflict with another occuring at the time, or may not be in the best interest of some characters.
  • The official weekly card of the NEW will be held on Saturdays, with the RP deadline being Friday at 2 PM Eastern and will be known as SNR(Saturday Night Riot)
  • Pay Per Views will take place roughly every other month and the first will take place September 30th with the tentative name Silent Fall.

© 2000 New Era Wrestling. All rights reserved. New Era Wrestling® was formed in 2000 by Ray Hagan.

Any unauthorized reproduction of anything on this page and the name New Era Wrestling is set for immediate action and will be prosecuted to the fullest of the violation for © Infringement Law.