Welcome to New Era Wrestling, home of up and coming e-wrestling superstars. This will be one of the greatest e-wrestling promotions in the world today. With stars formerly of the SSW, and others, now making their home in this federation it's out with the old...and in with the NEW.

~Updates []~

UPDATED!!! 8/29 Riot results are up!!! Sorry for the delay but my ISP went out on me causing some serious problems. Let's get the NEW going like it should be, one more time!

~[Click Here For Lineup]~

Quote of the Week

"Yeah, you're right. Shooter McGavin! Your ALF Pog Slammer is going DOWN to my Gold-Plated Pink Power Ranger Slammer, BIATCH!"


World Champion

North American Champion

© 2000 New Era Wrestling. All rights reserved. New Era Wrestling® was formed in 2000 by Ray Hagan.

Any unauthorized reproduction of anything on this page and the name New Era Wrestling is set for immediate action and will be prosecuted to the fullest of the violation for © Infringement Law.